Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Draft Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I have looked at NME and vibe magazine to learn about the conventions of hip-hop and indie music.
The layout and design of NME magazine was the most inspiring one as it shares a similar sort of style to my own magazine.
As shown in NME and VIBE magazine the font used is very simple and bold without any effects or drop shadows. I followed this sort of theme throughout my magazine using simple font.
I focused on both genres for my magazine this had an influence on the sort of masthead I had chosen and the use of font style I used, this is because there are few hip-hop artist in NME magazine and few indie artist in Vibe.
Layout: I followed the convention of the layout of a music magazine mainly referring to NME magazine such as the layout of the double page spread and a similar layout for the contents page.
For example NME: The double page spread is divided into one page of writing and one page covered with one enlarged image. This style of layout is very effective as the large image draws attention to the reader and how there is space on top of the heading which adds more emphases to the headline. The article includes a brief context underneath the heading of what the article would be based on. There are 2 different colour font used black and red this keeps the magazine simple and professional and it wouldn't look irritating to the audience if there are lots of different colours being used.
My magazine: I followed the magazine layout for my double page spread. This is because I think it looks simple and would make it easier for the readers to read and what the page is about as there is an enlarged image of the artist in a separate page. Also I used the same colour scheme red, white and black.
Masthead needs to be unique for every magazine as it needs to stand out from the rest of the magazine which are being stacked on stores.
At first I wanted to keep it simple like the 2 magazine I have researched. However I have changed the way I have designed my masthead this is because I wanted to make it unusual and different from other magazine. I done this by separating the letters by spacing it out, making gaps in the letters and changing its size. This was done in Photoshop.
Also another thing was challenged is the placement of the masthead is that the masthead is usually on the corner or behind the artist. I decided to have the masthead above the artist and in front this is because there was space at the top and you can still clearly see the main image and the masthead.
Images of the front cover are usually medium close up or a close up I followed this convention by using a medium close up of models to show the readers/audience the sort of clothes that the artist are wearing.They are looking directly at the camera, engaging with the audience.
I decided to have the camera more focused at the middle model since my double page spread is about her.

Images for the contents are usually portraits of group shot of musicians and bands.
I only added few pictures on the contents page and shared a similar layout to the NME contents page this is because I liked how the pictures were numbered and with pull quotes underneath the image and a brief info. I followed this rule by doing the same on my contents page because it seems easier for readers to navigate themselves and also the brief info helps the reader in understanding what the page is going to be about.
The contents page is very packed showing the readers that there is a lot in this issue and the regulars which gives more to the audiences as it convinces that there there is good value for their money. There is also a large section for the main cover story.
In both my case studies NME and VIBE magazine, vibe magazine used more slang than did Nme as NME used formal language. However there are often slang words used in interviews with artist but I decided to avoid this .Therefore I chose to use simpler writing as my target audience is from 18-25 to keep it look professional.
Double page spread: It is common to use at least 2 double pages for the main cover story. Where the entire first double page is a shot of the artists/bands. I used the same style and added a short introduction underneath the heading because I followed the same rules as the NME double page.
For the colour scheme I have decided to follow the convention of 3 colour scheme which are red black and white. This is because more colours make the page look messy and unprofessional.
Font: I have decided to use a simple font which looks professional.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine is an indie/hip-hop and I believe that my magazine represents similar social groups to other famous successful magazines such as VIBE and NME.
In terms of clothing, I wanted my models to dress in casual clothes or to wear the colour black. This is because I wanted the models to portray both genre of the magazine. Also the sort of clothes they are wearing it relates to the sort of social class the magazine is targeting
My magazine is mainly aimed at young adult’s males and females who are working class between the ages of 18-25. In terms of occupation they should be students mainly at college or university.
Since there are female models it would attract male readers of their appearance and it would attract female audience to perhaps follow their appearance/styles of these young artist/models. I have used only female models in my magazine which are from different ethnic background. I think I have challenged stereotypes by using Asian models in my contents page which isn't normal for a hip-hop/indie magazine.
Furthermore there are more summaries in the ‘Features’ and ‘regulars’ to show other males artist are included in this magazines which shows that it is not only based on one gender. Therefore my magazine is including both males and female models to attract both genders.
Overall, I think my magazine sends out a positive message to young adults. Examples are the clothing in which the models are wearing as it doesn't look like the models are being portrayed as sex object which are typically used in some magazines covers.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
IPC is an appropriate publisher for this magazine as it already publishes NME. IPC is one of the UK’s biggest publishers therefore I would not need much promoting. IPC Media is the UK's leading consumer magazine and digital publisher .With more than 60 iconic media brands; IPC creates content for multiple platforms, across print, online, mobile, tablets and events. They engage with 26 million UK adults - almost two thirds of UK women and over 40% of UK men
Also they are a weekly publisher therefore publishing my magazine it would bring more audience and different ethnic.
Distribution options:
Sale or return: It is a system used by magazine and newspaper distributors with newsstand. Copies which are not sold will be returned to the distributor at no cost to the retailer. This would is an advantage to the retailer as there is not wastage or risk involved and this is why shops agree in placing various magazines in their shops. However it is wasteful and environmentally damaging as it is wasting papers if the magazines are not being sold and costing the publisher/distributor in wasting their money in printing.

Postal subscription:This benefits the publisher as there are no copies which go to waste since it is a generated sale and it also benefits the customers as it is posted to the front door which is better for them as they don’t need to go to a shop and buy it themselves.

Direct distribution: this is an effective way of distributing as the magazine goes directly into the customers hand and the magazines are free. For example you can get these magazines outside of train stations. Therefore the publisher needs to add more advertisement so that they can make more profit through this.

Own magazine:This helped me decide which method is the most effective of distributing my own magazine.
Subscription-postal/electronic this is because the audience can read it from the ipads or kindles and also postal so there is core readership for the magazine. Also by setting up twitter/Facebook pages and its own website the readers can engage with magazine online and it is free.

Who would be the audience for your media product?Name Zara
Buying habits- she likes collecting albums and records of the artist she admires and mostly downloads music from iTunes.
Other interest – she likes to watch television go to cinemas with friends , collecting posters , reading artists biography.
Hobbies- on the weekends she likes to go to small gigs and music festivals such as the V festivals,iTunes festivals and sees artists such as Artic monkeys,The strokes,Drake etc.
Age- 22
Location- Lives in London
Occupation- She goes to university and has a part time job. Has her own apartment and during free times she goes to festivals and concerts.
Music- Her passion for music started when her friends showed her The Killers and she fell in love with the beat and the lyrics. Since then her taste for music developed and listened to other artist such as drake,Eminem, 30 seconds to Mars.

How did you attract/address your audience?
Peer feedback: front cover - Your magazine clearly illustrates the hip-hop/indie vibe by the colour scheme that you used. The featured artists also displays the genre of your magazine. The front-cover image attracts the audience straight away as all three models show direct mode of address. The masthead also clearly stands out against the background and is eye-catching to the audience from a far. The structure of your front cover is clear and simple, it looks professional because you haven't cluttered up your front page.

You front cover overall reflects like hip pop and indie genre, I really like the way you have placed less teasers in order to not to divert the audience attention into the other headlines. The anchorage text is clear to see and understand. The background reflects your chosen genre because of the dark colour. You have placed more than one model which is challenging the codes and conventions and hence it strikes me to read further. The masthead is creative and individualistic in its style. It matches with the model especially the red lipstick. You have placed famous artist. The layout is good overall and I can see everything clearly. But except the dates and the two models in the left and right side, tall three artist face and body should be seen clearly. I can see the date but if an audience want to see from far then it could be difficult for them which is a drawback for your magazine.
Contents page - Your contents page is neatly laid out which gives more of a professional feel to it. All writing like sub-heading and details are clear and easy to read and alignment is on point. Your images are also relevant to your magazine genre. The colour scheme of your contents page follows on from your front cover which is often the case in professional magazines.

Your contents page is really unique and it's easy for the reader to understand what's going on. It’s creative with its colour of red and white. It does indeed match with your hip pop codes and convention. The fonts are bold and big which is eye catching. I like the use of images you have used. Plus I like the way you have laid out the whole page since you have separated out the headings. However in terms of improving or what I couldn't find is that you have used more images to make it more vibrant and the headings should have been bit close to illustrate that it's a typical hip pop content page but otherwise it’s good.
Double page spread - Your magazine DPS is clear, simple and neat. The font that you have chosen to use along with your DPS Masthead displays an almost "vogue" look which assumes that your magazine has pulled off professional style. Your chosen image is stylish too. Your DPS is eye catching and grabs the reader’s attention as they flick through magazines :)

The double page spread I believe it followed the codes and conventions associated with a hip pop magazine. The images is quite striking because it’s really a good effective image. It's really short, snappy and formal. This is what makes me feel like reading it. You have used pull quote in the middle of the page which is interesting since it makes me read the pull quite first. Your double page spread is quite professional and creative in its hip pop way. I can't find anything negative to comment on because as an audience from my view it portrays like a hip pop magazine double page.

How did I attract my audience - I attracted my target audience by firstly using artist that are dressed in an indie and hip-hop sort of way. I used names of popular and well known artist in cover lines which would attract the audience as they would be familiar with this artist and would want to read the magazine.

Using big bold red font as the masthead would catch the reader’s attention easily as it stands out against the black background. Also it is an unusual, different sort of masthead used in a music magazine therefore it would stand out more from other music magazine.
On the front cover the models are looking directly at the camera which is going to engage the reader with the magazine.
In addition to this having a pull quote in the front cover would make the readers read this first before reading anything else and it flashes an interest, wanting them to read the article.
There is brief info underneath the images and the regulars which allows the readers to get an insight in what this page is going to be about.
Also by having a website it makes it easier for the audience to read and catch up on the latest issue.
The house style and colour scheme would attract the audience since the colours go well together, and I believe that the colours complement one another, since it is only 3 simple colours which are not targeted to one gender. The layout is well structured as it is not placed in any ordinary place this will attract the audience as it looks neat and tidy and easy to follow/read. As I learnt from my case studies that the simple layouts make the magazine look professional.
The audience are also able to send fan mails to the magazine through social networking sites e.g. twitter, face book, etc. This then would be featured in the next upcoming magazine which would attract audience as they would want see if there message has been written and it would make them feel that they are being involved.
Moreover the price of my magazine is £2.50 this is an affordable price for young adults to buy. The price for NME magazine was also 2.50 however the price of VIBE is around 4-6 pound. I decided to have my magazine priced at £2.50 because it is a reasonable price for my target audience.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Through the process of constructing my magazine I had to use software’s such as in design and Photoshop, the high quality DSLR camera and how to use the studio and its equipment. Most of these I have never used and was all very hard for me at first.
When I first had to use there software’s for my student magazine I was starting to get used to the software even though I did have some experience in Photoshop it still has given more opportunity in learning other skills such as playing around with the text and separating its letters and adding backgrounds and blending it with the images.
I felt confident using Photoshop after my student magazine this is because when I was constructing my music magazine I knew exactly how to edit my pictures and how to air brush on skin, spots and marks and how to generally design a good magazine front cover.
In design was the most I struggled while creating my student magazine because I didn't know how to use the text colours and it did look unprofessional for my college magazine contents page also I didn't know how to blend the colours for the background and add images. Whereas for my music magazine I felt more confident in using indesighn since i knew how to use it. I learnt how to use the text tool, make the column the same size, how to add a double page and use guidelines to make sure it’s all in line and I have learnt how to shape the image box to the size appropriate.
Using the camera and the studio was a challenge because I have never used DSLR camera and taken pictures in a studio so this was all new for me. Also the lighting and the equipment needs to be used properly in order to get a good shot which I also had to learn to use correctly. I used the studio because it gives a more professional look and magazine covers are typically done in a studio.
I had no experience with blogging before. At first it was quite confusing in using as I didn't know how to view my blog and change the themes. I learnt how to create new post and add images, customize layouts and themes. Also it was good for my peers and my teachers to comment in my work to give me feedback in where to improve which helped me in planning my final magazine.
I haven’t heard or used prezzie before. Prezzie was quite hard to use in adding new slides and adding text, images new themes but then I got the hang of it and found it much better to use than the usual PowerPoint. Also prezzie is fun too look at as it you are able to zoom in the images, texts, etc. This was a good way of presenting your way as it makes it looks more presentable rather than looking boring.
Overall I do feel very confident using these technologies which I have used to construct my final magazine.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from the full product?

By looking at the preliminary task you can clearly see that the masthead is a very small font size and it won’t be able to draw reader’s attention if it was being stacked up on stores. Also including the colours of the font it was difficult to read what the text as the colour blended in with the background. However if we look at the music magazine we could see how it has changed a lot because of the use of colours, font size and the way I have placed it, this gives a whole different look to the magazine compare to the first masthead as it looked dull and simple. There has been a change from the font I first used in the college magazine because I haven’t made the size bigger and try playing around with the text whereas in the main task I did and it looks more interesting and unusual and did not go with the typical masthead font which are mostly used in some magazine. In addition to this even though I have used capital letter in both of the masthead I think the second one looks more stronger and powerful because of the size and the way it has been spaced out.
The difference between the two main cover images is quite a contrast this mainly due to the way in which the photograph have been taken and the place it has been taken. The main task the colours blend it really well and the colours compliment the image more. Whereas the college magazine
The photo is not very focused and it does not look like it has been taken with a professional camera and it doesn't look bright and looks blurry. Also I decided to go for a different facial shot this is because in the college magazine the model was smiling whereas in the main task I decided to make the models have a slightly serious face.
In terms of the layout of the contents page I think that the college magazine does not look professional as well as the font this is because it is not clear and it has many colours being used which look messy. Also the background does not compliment the text and the image. In the music magazine there is only 3 colours being used which makes it look neater and shows the colour scheme is being used.
Another drastic change between the two magazine is that in the college magazine the model who was on the front cover was not on the contents page but in my music magazine I made the front models re appear in the contents page. Also I haven’t added any features or regulars on the college magazine.
The layout of the number on the college magazine is that the page numbers don’t look structured properly, whereas on the music magazine all the page numbers are the same size and have been placed on the bottom left corner of every image to making it look well structured.

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